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Blog Post

Tidy House Tidy Mind

Do you ever wish you were more organised?

Feel like there’s just too much going on in your head that it becomes overwhelming and you just don’t know where to start?

A great way to shake this feeling is to have a good old fashioned clearance.

Clearing the house and getting rid of old clothes, old toys, all books (you may need to be ruthless with that one!), furniture that’s become redundant, even that unused treadmill that was a great idea at the time, and giving it a spring clean is like a shower for your mind! It seems to clear the mind and make way for the important tasks to get done.

Think about all the things that need done about the house, garage needing a clearance, loft needing a clearance, basement needing a clearance, wardrobes needing emptied, do the garden, clear the shed, sort out your paperwork for shredding… you get the point there’s plenty of stuff could do with your attention. Now is the time to make time and get it done.

Its been said that 3 hours clearing and tidying can free up to 10 hours in your daily life, freeing your time up to focus on other things. Don’t believe us? Then why not clearing and tidying one small are of the house then bottle the feeling afterwards!

Here are a few simple tips to clearing your mind by clearing your house.

  1. Schedule a time at the weekend or a day off to start your clearance, this way there’s nothing to get in the way.
  2. Start with the untidiest room in the house and don’t finish until its clean and tidy.
  3. Keep the kettle bubbling away in the background, regular rewards are important.
  4. Stick on the radio for company. The TV will only serve to distract you.
  5. If you haven’t worn it, sat on it or used it in 6 months… Junk-it.

Hopefully these few tips will help but remember we are here if things get a little tough! Our uniformed crews can assist with house clearance, shed clearance and garden clearance of any scale and they do all the heavy lifting for you! As our charges are volume based there’s no need to pay for empty space and no longer any excuse not to do it!

As heard on Clyde 1 and Forth 1


Award winning, accredited house clearance service

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