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Case Study

Clearance of Flood Damaged Country Manor

Client Name: PWC

Sector: Commercial Property

Website: http://crossbasketcastle.com/

Location: High Blantyre, Glasgow


Thieves had accessed the roof and stole a large quantity of lead. As a result, the building was completely flooded with water saturating all carpeting and literally running down the walls. We were required to clear the entire property of all items including carpeting and everything which had been affected by the water. The building was to be sold and as such, they wanted the place cleared, repaired then dried out so that the damage could be limited.

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The fact that everything was soaked through made it all very heavy. The fact that the rooms were so vast meant a lot of carpet was to be removed. They all had to be cut into liftable rolls and walked, sometimes considerable distances, to the trucks. The building was without heat or power so temporary generators and rigs were brought in.


We removed over 22 truckloads over a four day period and removed all kinds of items as part of the building had been used as a kids’ nursery. Lots of catering equipment were also disposed of as well as lots of furniture.


Once we were finished, the building had a fighting chance of drying out before going on the market to be sold. It has since been turned into a magnificent hotel which resembles nothing of the state we found it in. The value of the lead stolen probably wasn’t worth a great deal but the damage it did was incredible.